Robert Straubinger, PhD, received a prestigious Fulbright Scholar Award to develop nanotechnology approaches and bio-inspired therapeutic agents to improve treatment of fatal cancers. Tatiana is a PhD-trained polymer chemist, whose research interests are in the area of self-assembling polymer materials and applications of these materials in medicine. She is passionate about […]

Develop leadership skills by participating in our active student organizations, including 16 that are pharmacy-specific. Experience pharmacy in the real-world guided by experienced preceptors. We have relationships with 1,500+ practice sites around the country. Our graduates leave the program with unparalleled competence as practicing pharmacists, fully prepared to meet the […]

Mary Riedy, PharmD, BCPPS, named the first Margaret Hempling McGlynn Endowed Chair in Clinical Pharmacy at UB to implement an innovative teaching and research program to support patients with rare genetic pediatric disorders. The Academic Health Collaborative provides interdisciplinary teaching and learning spaces, and access to experts, for all of […]

They can therefore be made by any pharmaceutical laboratory and are most often sold under their INN or occasionally under a new brand name. High-throughput screening is a reliable method for discovering compounds that interact with novel therapeutic targets to improve human health. “Nuisance compounds” interfere with drug discovery by […]

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