Struggling With Anxiety? CBD Might Help

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As the CBD market explodes—it could reach$20 billion by 2024—medicine is still learning how it acts on the body. One area of interest surrounds CBD and anxiety.

A study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that people with Parkinson’s disease who took CBD were more at ease—as measured by tremors—while public speaking than those who went without. For those who don’t have Parkinson’s disease, this finding is exciting since it’s another clue to unraveling how CBD affects the brain, and if it can be used widely for anxiety.

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Apple and Google push Bluetooth in their new alliance against the coronavirus. Here’s why

Sat Apr 11 , 2020
A blockbuster partnership between Apple and Google to combat the coronavirus pandemic hinges on a common wireless technology found on nearly every smartphone—Bluetooth. The two technology giants said Friday that they would work together to develop software that would help tell people if they have come in close contact with […]

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