JPMorgan just made a big commitment to underserved communities

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Good morning.

JPMorgan Chase is making a major—read $30 billion over five years—commitment to provide economic opportunity to underserved communities, especially Black and Latinx communities. To be specific, that includes:

  • $8 billion to make an additional 40,000 mortgage loans for Black and Latinx households;
  • $4 billion to help 20,000 Black and Latinx households refinance and lower their mortgage payments;
  • $14 billion in new loans and equity investments to add 100,000 affordable rental units in underserved communities;
  • $2 billion in loans to 15,000 small businesses in majority Black and Latinx communities.

All of this, of course, is business for the big bank, not charity. But that is the point of stakeholder capitalism, which JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon helped advance last year as head of the Business Roundtable. Says Dimon:

“Systemic racism is a tragic part of America’s history.  We can do more and do better to break down systems that have propagated racism and widespread economic inequality, especially for Black and Latinx people. It’s long past time that society addresses racial inequities in a more tangible, meaningful way.”

More news below. And check out the work my former colleagues at the Pew Research Center have done surveying 14 nations and showing that global discontent with China has reached historic highs. That’s partly due to its perceived poor response to the pandemic. Only the U.S. received more negative evaluations.

Alan Murray

[email protected]

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