Exclusive: Trainer Jill Barger Shares Three Do-At-Home Moves

Feel the burn! GRIT BXNG trainer and NBA dancer Jill Barger demonstrates three of her favorite do-at-home moves that will have you training just like a pro while keeping you healthy and fit. After you’ve worked up a sweat, Barger recommends two secret weapons to get the most out of your recovery:


Forest Remedies Hemp Extract Mint Soothing Balm. Barger uses the balm to help heal those muscles and reduce stress.

Forest Remedies Eucalyptus Essential Oil. Perfect for adding to a diffuser to relax and calm your senses after a hard days work – and workout.

soothing oil

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Coronavirus crisis may bring out old tool in disease fights: suspension of drug patents

Thu Apr 2 , 2020
German Chancellor Angela Merkel described the coronavirus as the greatest challenge facing her country since the end of World War II. Germany’s parliament took that message to heart as part of a package to fight the virus, extending powers to suspend patent rights, a tool last used in the country […]

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