CorePower Yoga Offers Free Online Classes to Improve Your Self-Isolation

If you’re stuck indoors and working from home,  CorePower Yoga is here for you with some free online classes. Just because the gym is closed doesn’t mean you can’t still work out.

The studio’s on-demand service is offering a selection of exercise and wellness classes for free. Since the studios closed March 15 due to the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., CorePower has been uploading them online. Of course, subscribers to the service can access all of the classes, but for the casual yoga fans and exercise dilettantes, CorePower has you covered. The company is offering C1, C2, Sculpt, HPF, and meditation classes, all free of charge.

You can improve your health and wellbeing with a robust selection of 5-, 20-, 30-, and 60-minute classes ranging from full-body workouts to core stability. The classes can help you master classic yoga moves like One-Legged Crow and Revolved Dancer’s while training your balance and practicing deep breathing. There’s meditation, too, if you just need to take your mind off things.

Yoga is the perfect tool to decompress and ease your mind in otherwise worrisome circumstances. If you don’t have all the yoga equipment you’d like, we assembled a list of essential yoga gear you can order to your house.

And if CorePower makes a yoga convert out of you, you can subscribe to their full library of content, including 1- and 10-minute poses and workouts. And once you don’t have to self-isolate, you should consider joining a class in person.

For access to exclusive gear videos, celebrity interviews, and more, subscribe on YouTube!

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Wed Mar 18 , 2020
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